Monday, February 15, 2010

My NBF Infested Amaryllis Bulbs

Today, I unpotted some of my amaryllis bulbs. I suspected that two got infested by Narcissus Bulb Fly just like the other bulbs in my small collection.

These bulbs were purchased from Amaryllis Bulb Company last year. One is Wedding Dance, the one with the scape is Giraffe and the one with a couple of leaves that emerged is a NoID. Giraffe didn't bloom last year and this year it sent up a scape but the buds aborted.

They were rootbound and I wrestled them out of the pot.

I soaked them in tepid water to loosen the soil from the roots.

I cleaned them up good and look how healthy their roots are.

My suspicion is true. The dreaded NBF. I managed to take the larva out of Giraffe.

My consolation is that Giraffe had 3 pups.

NBF's point of entry.

The infestation on Wedding Dance started from the neck. I will try the hot water treatment and see if it will work. I am not ready to slice it up yet!

There is a visible entry from the basal plate.

I hope that these three jumbo bulbs are not infested.

And so are these ones. I will bring them out of dormancy soon. I am keeping my fingers crossed!

Now this is Sydney. It never grew leaves or scape after I forced it. NBF entered from the neck area. I sliced it up and I found a fat larva eating it up.

I washed it up good and then I dusted the 2 halves with cinnamon powder. I don't have fungicide so cinnamon powder will do. I let them sit and dry for a few days before I potted them up.

I hope they'll grow pups for me. I purchased 3 bulbs from the defunct Smith and Hawken last year. I gave 1 to my mother and luckily I still have one bulb that is not infested.

The following named amaryllis were infested by NBF. I totally lost Baby Star, Red Peacock and Dancing Queen. I managed to save the others.

I think this is Baby Star.



Christmas Gift

Dancing Queen



Red Peacock...I tried cuttage method, it didn't work for me.

Wedding Dance

Here are the bulbs I have to enjoy in the future.

Bulbs I purchased from Brent and Becky's Bulbs last December. Dancing Queen, San Remo, Charisma and Picotee. They haven't sprouted yet, I think the basement temp is perfect for them.

Here is Misty. It is a slow growing variety.

Cybisters Lima and Rosario from Edensblooms.

After this NBF experience, my Butterfly amaryllis and my cybisters will never get to see outdoors and will never get fresh air in the summer.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Amaryllis Blooms

I just want to share the blooms of the amaryllis bulbs I potted up last December 31st. These were purchased at Walmart as Apple Blossoms. Hope you enjoy the pictures. Happy Valentine's Day!

The Asiatic Lily Pearl Series From Dr. Robert Griesbach

As a lily addict, there are new lily introductions that I am crazy about just like any other gardener who is also addicted to certain plants. Like the hostaholics, the daylily addicts, the hippeastrum lovers, and so on.

Last year, I purchased a set of 5 lilies from Brent and Becky's Bulbs as Asiatic Lily Satin Slippers but when they bloomed, they were not Satin Slippers. They turned out to be the new Asiatic Tet intro from Dr. Robert Griesbach called Pearl Jessica identified from The Lily Nook's catalog last year. They have nicely shaped and slightly reflexed flowers. The coloration is a pretty shade of dusty pink with light yellow stripe at the center of the petals and with a few spots near the throat. To me these are great and vigorous lilies worthy to be grown in anybody's garden.

Pearl Jessica close-up....

Another close-up pic of Pearl Jessica.

Pearl Jessica opening up.....

Pearl Jessica fully open.....

Pearl Jessica's reverse.....

A trio of Pearl Jessica.....

This year, when Faraway Flowers offered The Pearl Collection Lilies, I placed my order right away. The collection is consist of 4 lilies namely Pearl Jennifer, Pearl Stacy, Pearl Justine and Pearl Lorraine. Of course I have to have the lily named after the great master himself, OT(Oriental Trumpet)Lily Robert Griesbach.

I was curious about these tet Asiatics, I needed some more information. The web does not have much except that they were named after Dr. Griesbach's granddaughters and I got it from H. W. Hyde and Son's website from the UK which happened to be Faraway Flowers' supplier. I emailed Ramona Titus of Faraway Flowers asking her if she knew how many of the Pearl Series Lilies are out in the market but she doesn't know how many went into commercial production and that if I find any more info about them, she want me to let her know.

After my lily lecture last January, I asked my Lily Society President, Mr. Woody Imberman if he knew where I can contact Dr. Griesbach. He does and he happily gave me Dr. Griesbach's address. I sent him a snail mail and got a reply yesterday.

Dr. Griesbach's letter.....

I sent him the above pictures of Pearl Jessica for him to confirm the ID, yes indeed, it is Pearl Jessica.

According to Dr. Griesbach, the Pearl Series is consist of 5 cultivars named after his 5 granddaughters. These cultivars were selected by Mr. Pieter Groot of Holland.

I have shared the information I got to Ramona Titus and right now there are discrepancies on the names of the 3 cultivars that I can not disclose as of this time writing this blog.

Update: 2.21.10

Since Ramona Titus is done with her research and has been in contact with Dr. Griesbach, I think it is safe for me to add on to this story. What I meant is that I don't want to hurt anybody or any business hence withholding some of the information when I first written this post.

This is what Dr. Griesbach wrote:

"The Pearl Series cultivars named after my granddaughters is consist of:

1. Pearl Stacie-actually this was meant to be Pearl Gracie
2. Pearl Justine-the Lily Nook list this as Pearl Justien.
3. Pearl Jennifer
4. Pearl Carolina-my granddaughter Caroline
5. Pearl Jessica

You indicate that Faraway Flowers also list Pearl Lorraine, apparently, the Pearl Series extends beyond lilies named after my 5 granddaughters."

You can read more information about these lilies on Ramona Titus's Blog.
Faraway Flowers Blog

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Growing Lilies From Seeds And Some Other Things

I have started growing lilies from seeds this winter. It will take 2 to 3 years before I can see them to bloom, but having been sick and tired of winter, I need to find something to do other than surf the internet looking at pictures of different flowers, wishing that spring will be here soon.

These tetraploid lily seeds came from Dr. Robert Griesbach and distributed to us, the attendees at the Wisconsin Illinois Lily Society lecture at CBG last January.

Here they are sown in recycled containers in my basement where I perform my winter gardening activities.

A couple of winter sown specie lily varieties, L. Philippinense seed is an immediate epigeal germination-the cotyledons are forced above the ground whereas L. Auratum is considered delayed hypogeal germination-the cotyledons remain in the seed below the ground. They also need three months cold period after they sprouted.

Brent and Becky's Bulbs has nice selection of martagon lilies which I really really want for a certain area in my garden and I am holding myself from ordering as I have placed orders with Faraway Flowers and The Lily Garden this winter. Lily bulbs are not cheap. They have definitely put a dent in my pocketbook! I hope by June those martagon lilies are not sold out.

Here is my battered Brent and Becky's Bulbs catalog. I have been perusing it at my work during breaks!

Two weeks ago when the temps were in the 40s, one of my LO (Longiflorum-Oriental) lilies was peeking out of the ground. I grabbed some mulch and covered the poor little thing. It is way too early for it to come out.

Some of my crocus are also showing up. Here they are,the harbingers of spring!