It is the second week of May and I see a flower scape from my Hosta 'Lemon Lime'. It usually blooms in June and this hosta variety is known to rebloom. This is a mini hosta, about 6" tall with chartreuse leaves and purple flowers. It has produced numerous sports, one of them is 'Twist of Lime'.

After our unseasonable heatwave last month, my Oriental lily 'Mona Lisa' got confused. Oriental lilies bloom from July to August. The Asiatics bloom in June before the Orientals. This photo was taken a few days ago, now the buds are bigger. Even my Asiatics don't have buds as big as these.

Some of my hostas have grown big that my common Arisaema Triphyllum are not seen in my garden unless you part or lift a few hosta leaves.

Inspecting my lily leaves is like looking for hosta leaves if they show a sign of HVX (hosta virus x). Last fall, I bought some lily bulbs from Brent and Becky's Bulbs. Planted in this pot are Oriental lilies 'Garden Party'. They are short lily variety which are suitable for pot culture. One got the light green streaks in the leaves which I suspect is TVB (Tulip Breaking Virus).

Another lily with suspicious-looking leaves and growth is Oriental 'Dizzy'. The pic below is from last year. There are two 'Dizzies' in my garden, the 'Dizzy' on the left is the one affected.

Oriental lily 'Dizzy'

Here are the leaves of my
Lilium Auratum. Notice the light green color in them.
Lilium Auratum pic taken last year.

My LO (Longiflorum-Oriental) Triumphator's top growth looked weird. I hope this is nothing serious as this is the lily that decided to poke thru the ground during winter time.

LO lily 'Triumphator'

Hundreds of baby spiders were hatched on top of my Sedum 'Kamtchasticum'.

An amaryllis currently blooming here. A 'Minerva' look-alike. The style is short which is exhibited in both flowers from this amaryllis.