Dani Arifin is a Longiflorum-Asiatic (LA) lily. Its flower is deep pink in color with yellowish coloring towards the base of the petals. It has dark red spots. Also, a dark red picotee edging is noticeable. It is 40 inches tall.

Dani Arifin has big blooms which came from its Easter lily parentage.

LA lily Bestseller is yellow-orange in color. It has brown spots and has mild fragrance. This lily has big blooms also.

Heightwise, this lily measures 40 inches tall just like Dani Arifin which are growing side by side.

Asiatic lily Commander In Chief is a true red lily. It has few black spots but on Lily Nook's description, it is spotless.

This could be my first mislabel for the year.