Last fall, I purchased forty Lycoris Squamigera bulbs (aka Surprise Lily, Resurrection Lily, Magic Lily, Naked Lady) from ebay. I was surprised to see that one of them bloomed. These plants don't want to be disturbed so when they are dug and moved to a new location, it will take one to two years to bloom.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Oriental Lilies Distant Drum and Davyd
I paid a couple of dollars for this lily from B and D Lilies and took part on their research on how this lily perform in different gardens across the US. This picture is taken just a few minutes ago prior to writing this post. I planted this lily in a spot where it receives about 3.5 hours sunshine, from around 9 AM-12:30 PM as they recommend afternoon shade.
The bulb that I got is on the small side so I did not expect to get a lot of blooms. I am lucky I got two buds from it. Anyway, comparing these pics on B and D's site , they are very different from each other.
Davyd, described as fluffier than 'Miss Lucy' (I think it is the first double flowered Oriental.) in terms of blooms. I never get to see that "fluffier bloom". The growing condition is similar to Distant Drum. I planted them one foot apart from each other. Click here for Davyd pic.
I am not going to try another double flowered Oriental in my garden. I will stick to OTs and other lilies on different divisions.
The above pics will be send to B and D lilies for their research.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Oriental Lilies
In this post is a collection of Oriental lilies that I grow in my garden and as of now, are done blooming. Some of these lilies are newly acquired this year and some had been growing in my garden for at least two growing seasons.
Casa Blanca
Expressions, it's missing the faint pink color at the petal tips.
Mona Lisa
Tom Pouce
Tiger Edition
This is a freebie bulb from B and D Lilies. It is very pretty and it has huge blooms and wonderful fragrance.
I wish I could find its ID, I wouldn't mind having several of these in my garden. Maybe I should contact Bob or Dianna (B and D Lilies)and see if they could help me.
This is suppose to be OT Bonbini, it does look like Arena on my online search. From KVB Wholesale.
A mislabel from VanEngelen, suppose to be Excelsior. It look like the mislabeled Bonbini.
Garden Party, a short and compact lily. Personally, I do not care much for this variety. I can't see its beauty when I am standing as its bloom habit is kind of downfacing. It is really best suited for containers.
A shot of Garden Party with loads of blooms. I received three huge bulbs from American Meadows as a replacement for my one mislabeled L. auratum. They were suppose to sent me the same variety but obviously the L. auratas that they were selling were mislabeled. They are the same with the GPs I ordered from Brent and Becky's Bulbs.
I have some Oriental lilies that did not came out this year including one of my favorite Oriental lilies, the beautiful Rio Negro.
Casa Blanca
Expressions, it's missing the faint pink color at the petal tips.
Mona Lisa
Tom Pouce
Tiger Edition
This is a freebie bulb from B and D Lilies. It is very pretty and it has huge blooms and wonderful fragrance.
I wish I could find its ID, I wouldn't mind having several of these in my garden. Maybe I should contact Bob or Dianna (B and D Lilies)and see if they could help me.
This is suppose to be OT Bonbini, it does look like Arena on my online search. From KVB Wholesale.
A mislabel from VanEngelen, suppose to be Excelsior. It look like the mislabeled Bonbini.
Garden Party, a short and compact lily. Personally, I do not care much for this variety. I can't see its beauty when I am standing as its bloom habit is kind of downfacing. It is really best suited for containers.
A shot of Garden Party with loads of blooms. I received three huge bulbs from American Meadows as a replacement for my one mislabeled L. auratum. They were suppose to sent me the same variety but obviously the L. auratas that they were selling were mislabeled. They are the same with the GPs I ordered from Brent and Becky's Bulbs.
I have some Oriental lilies that did not came out this year including one of my favorite Oriental lilies, the beautiful Rio Negro.