After my vacation, there are some surprises and disappointments for me, plantwise. I lost some plants like
L. formasanum grown from seeds and I was hoping for them to bloom this summer. While
L. philippinense is standing tall and proud in the basement like it was saying "Welcome back". Some of my lily and Pulsatilla seedlings were also gone. And so are my Erythroniums and Hermodactylus, they rotted in their pots.
Sharing with you some surprises when I got back.

Sprouting lily seed.
This batch of OT lily seeds were stored in the fridge before I left for vacation and was a great surprise when I got back. Dr. G's method really worked. Although these seeds have spent a few more weeks in storage after the six weeks time frame.Germinating OT Seeds

Another surprise is that my friend in Wisconsin waited for me to come back from vacation to send these bulblets. I was expecting just a few! These are Silk Road x Bravura cross. He sent me a total of nineteen bulblets with six tiny ones and thirteen medium sized ones.
And these are Saltarello bulblets grown from scales and were stored int the fridge.They can't wait to grow. I potted them up on the 2nd of April.
And here they are now. This image was taken a few minutes before making this post. Some of the plants in the basement are already enjoying the nice spring weather outside. Notice the red crate they are in. This is for easy transport back to the basement when the temps will dip down to freezing point.

Here is H. Sydney.
Reblooming for me with 4 flowers and a whopping 30 inches tall scape. Some of my amaryllis are still 'asleep' and there are two that will bloom in a few days.
Also I received some tetra lily seeds from a friend in California. The friendship,the sharing, the advices and the willingness to share knowledge from my fellow lily enthusiasts is something I did not expect. They are all great people with big hearts.
Happy gardening everyone!