It's just a few days away from fall and for the last few days the weather felt like it is here already. I have been working on and off in the garden for days now. It is raining today so I did not garden and had the chance to do this post.
Some plants are winding down here like hosta Plantaginea, rudbeckia and phlox but there's still some that are blooming.

Anemone rubustissima's first blossom.

A Morning Glory volunteer.

Gladiolus 'Passos'

Tricyrtis, I don't know which variety this is.

Late blooming hosta Red October.

Sedum 'Stardust' and S. spectabile 'Brilliant'.

And a very busy bee on sedum flower.
Last Friday, my Schreiner's iris order arrived. I could have planted them today if it didn't rained.

And finally I have dug the daylilies around the stump.