I purchased some lily bulbs on Ebay from a seller who personally knew Dr. Robert Gilman and Dean and Marsha Hartle of Hartle-Gilman Gardens in Minnesota who specializes in lilies bred locally.
Asiatic Lily AphroditeThe seller bought Aphrodite lily from a catalog house when this lily was first introduced in the American market. It has been flourishing in his garden along with the other lilies that this year he decided to sell in bulk.
Asiatic Lily Star BlushThis lily is one of the lilies that Dr. Gilman has given to the seller. He received four different varieties from Dr. Gilman: Crimson Noble which was bred by Richard Prochaska; Star Blush and Winter Ballet were bred by Hartle-Gilman Gardens; and Chocolate Canary which the seller has lost from flood.
Asiatic Lily Crimson Noble 
The biggest bulb I have received is 44.5 cm in circumference and is a double-nosed Crimson Noble bulb.
The bulbs sent to me are dug fresh and were shipped right away in a large flat rate Priority box from USPS. The pics of the bulbs below are in a 10.5 inch plate and as fresh as they can be.

Asiatic Lily Winter BalletThe seller lost the marker of this lily in his garden and said he don't want to send mislabeled bulbs to his customers so he did not list this lily this fall but will be available from his Ebay store in the fall of 2011.
The photos of the lilies are courtesy of Mike Dammen of
Hosta Plants/Comics/Ginseng/Seeds. He also sell hostas from Shady Oaks Nursery.
You can contact him by email at weirdtornadoe@yahoo.com.