Asiatic Lily Tiny Sensation
Asiatic Lily Tiny Dino
I started collecting the Asiatic "Tiny" series 2 years ago. Today, I planted 6 Tiny Orange Sensations and 4 Tiny Athletes along the driveway.
A few days ago, 2 Tiny Hopes were planted beside Tiny Ghost by the stairs of the porch.
3 Tiny Sensations were planted in between the big tree and the arbor along the driveway beside Kiss Me Kate lily.
5 Ladylikes were planted on the other side of the big tree beside pink Tiger. They produce a lot of bulblets and planted them with the mother bulbs. Acquired as potted plants from big box store.
A week ago, I planted the "ebay bulbs" Star Blush and Crimson Noble at the end of the driveway where dad park his car. In this bed, I also planted 10 Pink Charm and 20 Replete daff bulbs.
I have no luck with Asiatic lilies. The squirrels eat them or they rot and don't look healthy on the leaf. They are invaded by Asiatic beetles and even the flowers are devoured. What do you do to prevent this and have healthy stock to enjoy for your efforts. Thanks.
Anna, since I started gardening with lilies, I haven't seen any beetles here. The culprits in my garden are those green bugs that eat the leaves and petals.
As for the squirrels, some people use cages to protect the bulbs. I never used them. We do have a lot of squirrels here but they usually leave my bulbs alone.
Maybe you need to ammend your soil with sand or anything that will losen it. Also, maybe your lilies are planted where water stand after the rain. Maybe you need to have a raise bed for your lilies. As what the society said: Good drainage for lilies is rule #1, #2 and #3. Hope this helps.
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