I met Bill Cramer of Hupla Gardens thru a seed exchange. On his member's page he mentioned that he has been hybridizing lilies for thirty years. It sparked my interest and curiosity. He must have bred beautiful lilies through all these years. I wasn't disappointed as his first email to me he attached pictures of the parents of the seeds he sent me. He has bred real beauties.
Bill's hybridizing programs involved Asiatic lilies with bulbils that grow in the leaf axils. The species L. lancifolium aka orange tiger lily exhibit this trait. He has also created stunning bicolor lilies and some of them will be registered in the future.

Gold Tiger is a very nice lily but is no longer growing at the Hupla Gardens. Bill grow his lilies in 50% garden soil and 50% sawdust horse manure and this lily does not grow well in these growing media. Manure is not advisable to use with lilies because this will cause the bulbs to rot. But he has been breeding lilies that have high resistance to Fusarium bulb rot. His lilies are tested and proven to survive when high soil temperature and moisture levels cause other lily bulbs to disintegrate.
Bill has a lot of seeds from Pink Pioneer x Perfect Pink cross for sale. If you are interested to grow his crosses from seeds or if you have any questions regarding his lilies, please contact him directly at hupla608@windstream.net.
The following images are of Bill's wonderful asiatic hybrids.
Spica II
Stately Red
MF Bicolor

Calendar Girl
New Glow
Peach, No Pollen
Red with Bulbils

Red Rocket x Big Fuzz
Ziuko Pink
Perfect Pink
Ruby Laser
Bill has sent Richard Hyde of H. W. Hyde and Son some of his lilies for the 2011 Chelsea Show. Mr. Hyde included in his site a picture of a young blossom of Purple Spike, a pollenless lily. Below is a pic of it happily growing at the Hupla Gardens.
Here is the list of what he sent to Mr. Hyde:
Purple Spike
Stately Red
Spica II
Red Rocket x Big Fuzz
White Flash
Gold Tiger bulbils
I wish Bill Cramer the best of good luck for the 2011 Chelsea Show.
A veritable lily fest. I am hoping to go on a lily day next month with lily growers in UK cant wait to learn more and very interesting to learn about propagating from bulbils.
I hope you will be able to go and can't wait to see pics or read the story in your blog.
Thanks for stopping by.
Wow! These are some amazing varieties!
Bill Cramer certainly created amazing beauties!
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