Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lilium Kushi Maya

With all of these interdivisional hybrid lilies being introduced, here comes the hottest hybrid that is causing a sensation worldwide.

Kushi Maya was created by Arie Pederse, a world renowned lily hybridizer for H. W. Hyde & Sons of Ruscome England. Bred from L. nepalense and an unnamed vigorous white oriental lily by embryo rescue. She carry the traits of both varieties, having the sweet smell of an oriental by day and the fragrance of L. nepalense by night.

Arie Pederse is also the breeder behind the beautiful OT Robina.

Species Lily Nepalense photo from Wikipedia. Native of the Southern slopes of the Himalaya. The flower is pale green with purple throat.

Kushi Maya was introduced to the world at the 2008 Chelsea Flower Show by Richard Hyde. A repeat Gold Medal winner at Chelsea and many other English flower shows.

Calvin Helsley of Missouri entered Kushi Maya for the NALS Annual Show in June 2009 and won both the Hornback Award for Best Hybridizing Advancement and the Hod Hoepner Award for Best Potted Lily at the show.

A mature bulb of Kushi Maya grows to about 4 feet tall and can have as many as seven blossoms per stem. It creates stem bulblets and reproduces vigorously. It has been proven hardy to 6ยบ F.

Kushi Maya is now being crossed with a number of Interdivisional Hybrids in hopes of creating a whole new line of lilies for the future to delight lily lovers all over the world.

Kushi Maya is the name for female Nepalense children translating into “Happy Love.”

Source: NALS Quarterly Bulletins/Ramona Titus
Photos: Ramona Titus


  1. Hi Lily,

    I am really beginning to get into the lillies because they were such good performers during our very hot summer.

    I have put in about 100 Orienpets last fall, can't wait to see them bloom.


  2. Oh, she is so beautiful. How do we get a start?

  3. I love the pale green. It is so unique.

  4. That is one most beautiful Lily. I am right in to them at the moment and have ordered some of those Orienpets. I will let you know how I get on with them.

  5. Love the color! It is a beautiful flower

  6. @Eileen,
    I agree, lilies are great performers in the garden. Your tangos last year were beautiful. 100 Orienpets? You beat me!

    Yes she is. The sole distributor here in the US is Faraway Flowers. I checked and she is not sold out yet.

    Yes, Lilium nepalense is very unique and one of the most sought after species lilies.

    I will be waiting for lily photos in your blog this summer. You'll love them. I haven't ordered Agapanthus yet. I am clearing up a space for them in the basement. I have to let go of some of my amaryllises.

    I too love the color. A very beautiful lily but honestly I can't afford to buy one right now. :)

    Thanks everyone!
