Tuesday, February 15, 2011

See You In A Month Time

I am going back to my hometown and I will be leaving on Sunday. I will be back on the last week of March just in time for spring. Leaving you all with a little glimpse of my garden. Enjoy!

Double Oriental Lily

One of the Daydream tulips dug and planted elsewhere in the garden. My Silk Road lilies were planted where they were and just a hint of TVB prevention, I moved them.

I am not sure which ones are these: Ollioulles or Pink Impression.

NOID tulips and one of my old and beaten shovels.

Geranium maculatum

Geranium, a multiflowering daff and a couple of daff Mount Hood.

Aah spring....


More violets, no Latin name this time.

My NOID Columbine.

And of course hostas.

Lilacs and the princess.

Princess with her picks of the day.

See ya!


  1. Such a lovely blog... and thanks for visiting mine! Enjoy your time away.

  2. Carolyn,

    I enjoy visiting your blog too. Thanks!

  3. Lily, Have a great trip. I can see how some time away from blogging would be fun. Carolyn

  4. You just keep topping yourself with lovely images and then finish it off with the cutie at the end.

  5. Enjoy your time away, Lily! I'll look forward to your posts when you come back! Beth

  6. Beth,
    I will and you bet I will be posting pics from my trip.

  7. One month! Talk about a "vacacion grande". No wonder you were asking about the Orchid show. Will you be going? I'm hoping to attend on the first day. As Andrea says, towards the end of the shows, the flowers don't look as good.

  8. Hurry back Lily, I will need your advice with all of those lillies I planted last fall!


  9. Hope you are enjoying your break Lily, charming post as usual.
