Monday, May 30, 2011

Some Other Blooms In The Garden

N. bulbocodium 'Golden Bells'

The cup dominates the flower on this daff. Late blooming variety.

Azalea 'Daybreak'

Although I lost two of these last winter, the one that is left has rewarded me with some blooms.

NOID Aquilegia

This Aquilegia persists in my garden for a few years now.

Oxalis 'Iron Cross'

These are the ones that I potted up early this spring. They are putting in quite a show now.

Hyacinthoides hispanica 'Excelsior'

I planted a few bulbs two years ago and I like them so much. This fall I will be adding some more in the garden.

Hosta 'Liberty'

Although not a bloom, I decided to include this hosta. It is so beautiful. I added it in my collection in the spring of 2009. Kind of slow growing for me but it is worth all the wait.

Dancing Queen and Picotee

This is the second time that Dancing Queen has rebloomed. Last winter, some mites got into it and the blooms were sickly looking. I planned on giving it a hot water treatment to kill the mites but I never get around to doing it. It did surprised me by sending up a scape this month with four huge double flowers measuring to about 8 inches in diameter. On catalogs and online stores, they describe DQ as red and white stripe. To me, it is more of an orange and white stripe.

I am disappointed with Picotee. Only 2 or 3 petals have red picotee and the shape is not so great. I bought this amaryllis in the spring of 2010 and it did not bloom for me then. I hope next year it will give a better performance.

NOID Irises

I was never into irises before. But I noticed here in my neighborhood that they bloom right after the daffodils and the tulips. So while waiting for lilies to start blooming in June, they will fill in the void in my garden. So last year, I set up a couple of trades. I didn't mind receiving a box of mixed rhizomes hence they have no identities.







Please feel free to leave a comment should you know the identity of any of them.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Berthold's Nursery

I visited Berthold's ten days ago to make an inquiry about garden soil to be delivered at my house. Honestly, I could have just called but really I wanted to see what plants they have on display. So I drove there right after I dropped my daughter off to school. They are located in Devon Road in Elk Grove Village and it is about 10 minutes away from my house.

Inside the building, I was greeted by Anne, one of their friendly staffs. She has worked at Berthold's for 27 years and she will be retiring soon. She has professionally answered all of my inquiries and I told her I will be back. Yesterday, I did and placed the order and early this morning, the garden soil was delivered.

All sorts of stuff for gardening.

Outside, hostas and different varieties of perennials are on display.

Plants galore.

Some groundcovers...

and some more groundcovers.



In this building is where they conduct seminars. I am attending "Shade Gardening" on June 25th. This year they have scheduled thirteen seminars from May to November.

I bought two Euphorbia 'Ascot Rainbow'. This one has stunning foliage. It is interesting to know that this Euphorbia is from Australia, discovered by David Glenn.

I also bought Fantasy Island, a small hosta. Having half a dozen each of Sum and Substance and Blue Angel, a couple of Sagae and other biggie hostas, I took Carolyn's advice at Carolyn's Shade Gardens. I grow hundred plus varieties of hostas and most of them are biggies. So small hostas (or minis) are the way to go if I wanted to add some more to my collection as I am running out of room. Last year, I did not buy any hosta at all and bought tons of lilies instead.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

NALS Seed Exchange-Open to Non-Members

The remaining lily seeds from this year and the previous years' NALS Seed Exchange will be available to non-members as well. If you are interested to purchase some of these seeds, please check the list here or contact Michael Homick at should you have any questions.



Lily Seeds And Bulbs

It is too wet and too cold to do some gardening outside so I did the "gardening" inside instead.

Sown lily seeds:
L. henryi x Madam Butterfly by Forrest Peiper. (2010 NALS Seed Exchange)

Queen Kong x Anton Mego seedling by Hank Ziuko. (2011 Seed Exchange)

Madame Butterfly x Gold Eagle by Forrest Peiper. (2010 Seed Exchange)

Species L. leucanthum and L. kelloggii. (2010 Seed Exchange)

My own cross, trumpets Golden Splendor x Pink Perfection from last year's harvest.

Planted bulbs:

Here are some updates on the seeds and bulbs I have previously sown and planted. Also a couple of pictures of plants I have recently acquired and what are blooming in the garden.

Griesbach OT seedlings.

Agapanthus Headbourne hybrid growing with Oxalis.

Some Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla mollis) from a friend in Minnesota which arrived from the mail yesterday.

Japanese Anemone bought from a local garden club yesterday.

Outside, the Geranium macs are in full bloom.

So are daff Sundisc...

and daff Salome.