Monday, May 30, 2011

Dancing Queen and Picotee

This is the second time that Dancing Queen has rebloomed. Last winter, some mites got into it and the blooms were sickly looking. I planned on giving it a hot water treatment to kill the mites but I never get around to doing it. It did surprised me by sending up a scape this month with four huge double flowers measuring to about 8 inches in diameter. On catalogs and online stores, they describe DQ as red and white stripe. To me, it is more of an orange and white stripe.

I am disappointed with Picotee. Only 2 or 3 petals have red picotee and the shape is not so great. I bought this amaryllis in the spring of 2010 and it did not bloom for me then. I hope next year it will give a better performance.


  1. Wow,

    These are spectacular! It is too bad that most people just grow these around the holidays, including me. I need to rethink when I plant amaryllis.


  2. Gorgeous flowers. Quite satisfying isn't when you have such success. cheers. ann

  3. That Dancing Queen is gorgeous! I love the colors.
