Ladylike is a short bi-color lily. The flower is a beautiful combination of pink and gold.
Tinos is a gorgeous tri-color lily and is about three feet tall. It has White petals with red and yellow center.
Both of these lilies are Asiatic.
I thought this was one of the Tiny Series lilies but it turned out it's Aphrodite.
One of the only two rose bushes that I grow in the garden.
Some of these lilies were shown in my previous posts. Happy gardening.
The hairy buds of Dani Arifin.
Hosta 'Orange marmalade' and Tiny Bee.
Hosta 'Whirlwind' and another group of Tiny Bee.
I think this is one of the Tiny series.
I believe these are my Algarve lilies.
This is what it look like on one corner of the garden.
This is one of Bill Cramer's Martagon Hansonii hybrid.
And lastly, my Bletilla striata 'Kate' is blooming right now.
Happy gardening.