Monday, July 11, 2011

Agapanthus Midknight Blue

I bought this plant on Mother's Day when my daughter and I went plant hunting. It is done blooming now and has been repotted and is thriving. I seem to have success with this one. The bareroot Headbourne Hybrid that I bought from Brent and Becky's last spring is dying and the one I bought at the Chicago Flower and Garden Show last year rotted on me.

This is how the plant look like when I brought it home.

Monrovia's tag is 'Midknight Blue'. On google, it is 'Midnight Blue'.


  1. I love Agapanthus, that is one which I will look out for.

  2. Spectacular photos, Lily! And that blue is my favorite hue--kind of a French blue or periwinkle. I'll bet it's even more beautiful in person! Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is one of my favorite spreads out so beautifully! I have tried growing it in a pot once, but did not have success. Your post inspires me to try again...

  4. I like agapanthus, but the one i got from the highlands and tried planting in the lowlands did not thrive well and die. I was just trying if it will acclimatize here. It seems that most of the blue flowers are associated with the cooler temps. By the way, do you hybridize amaryllis also? I have lots of red-orange amaryllis. How long does it take to seed?
