These two lilies are bred by the late
Dr. Christopher North of Scotland. There are eleven lilies in the North Ladies series: Angela, Barbara, Bronwen, Eileen, Hannah, Helen, Iona, Marie, Karen, Peggy and Rosemary. And twelve in the Greek Gods series: Achilles, Adonis, Ariadne, Eros, Invergrowrie, Minos, Odysseus, Orestes, Pan, Pandora, Phoebus and Theseus. Some of these lilies are available from
The Lily Garden and some of them can be found in the gardens of lily collectors.
Karen North
Karen North with perfectly recurved back.
Lilium langkongense (Photo from the Pacific Bulb Society by Darm Crook.)
Most of Dr. North's lilies have
Lilium langkongense in their background. They have small down facing turk's cap flowers.
Source: NALS QB
Beautiful flowers, especially the Karen North in the second to the last picture. I can't even get my lily to bloom. Have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
These lilies are outstanding. How does one come by them?
These are beautiful and elegant lilies. I have seen them once in a while in gardening catalogs. Do you have a common place you get them?
I love that image too.
Lilies need vernalization period. Pack your lily bulbs in a bag of damp peat moss and store them in the fridge for 3 months to mimick the winter period. Hope this helps.
I agree. These lilies are very desirable to lily enthusiasts. The Lily Garden (I provided a clickable link in the post.)carries a few of them.
The Lily Garden is the common place to get a few. Ramona Titus of Faraway Flowers( knows where to get them. Last spring, I got Eileen North from her, sadly, its buds aborted. I am looking forward for the next year's bloom.
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