Saturday, July 9, 2011

Lilium pumilum

This lily is also known as Coral lily and Lilium tenuifolium. A species native to northeast Asia. It grows to about two to three feet tall with grass-like leaves and dainty nodding flowers that measures to about 1.5 inches across. It is known to be a short lived lily but that is not necessarily true. On my recent communication with Mr. Darm Crook, a noted lily hybridizer from Northwest Territories in Canada, he explained that this lily set seeds abundantly. Letting the lily do this every year, it will only survive four to five years. But if deadheaded, it will survive twelve to sixteen years. Good dainage is a must for this species, without it, it will only last two to three years.

A mature plant that is properly sited will give full inflorescence of up to twenty flowers.


  1. So, what are you choosing? Dead-heading or collecting seeds? ;-)

  2. Bom, I chose deadheading. :)

  3. Very beautiful - I've grown nine in a big pot for the first time this year and they are beautiful. I'm really happy with them and such a beatiful colour - although the very red pollen is a sight to behold on t-shirts!
