Sunday, September 18, 2011

September In The Garden

It's just a few days away from fall and for the last few days the weather felt like it is here already. I have been working on and off in the garden for days now. It is raining today so I did not garden and had the chance to do this post.

Some plants are winding down here like hosta Plantaginea, rudbeckia and phlox but there's still some that are blooming.

Anemone rubustissima's first blossom.

A Morning Glory volunteer.

Gladiolus 'Passos'

Tricyrtis, I don't know which variety this is.

Late blooming hosta Red October.

Sedum 'Stardust' and S. spectabile 'Brilliant'.

And a very busy bee on sedum flower.

Last Friday, my Schreiner's iris order arrived. I could have planted them today if it didn't rained.

And finally I have dug the daylilies around the stump.


  1. That is a nice looking iris order. Very good looking stock. I never see bees on my sedum. I wonder if it is because it is a miniature. Hum....

  2. I am very glad you find some time now to post. You still have lots of blooms there and the arrivals promise a lot of more work! Your hands will still be full these coming days. That Hosta's leaves look more beautiful than its blooms, or maybe because they are already the last blooms. Happy digging!

  3. @GWGT,

    Thanks. The rhizomes are huge and has the healthiest roots I have ever seen in irises.


    Yeah, there's alot more work for me until fall finishes. Red October has nice flowers too and it is popular for its red petioles.

  4. Wow! can't wait to see the blooms of your new arrivals! A volunteer morning glory? we have to pay for like 100 pesoses for those here! haha!

  5. I am struck by the beauty of that glad! Amazing color! Your September garden is lovely.

  6. It looks like you will still be busy in the weeks to come. I look forward to your iris updates.

  7. You have a wonderful garden, and so are the flowers. Gardening in itself a great art, and it's even wonderful when you enjoy doing it. I love the flowers, just like your name Lily. Keep gardening and blogging.

  8. So many lovelies! The Glads are spectaculr! Hope you're enjoying this warm October!
