Wednesday, November 2, 2011


One in my fall 'to do list' is to plant all of my lily seedlings. I am so glad it is done.

Seedlings planted without disturbing the roots.

Map of the seedlings.


  1. Lily, I have a question. Some of my lilies have turned yellow, some are still totally green. Do I wait for all of them to turn yellow before cutting down?


  2. Hi Lily, congratulations, you now have sometime to garden and post again. That is a nice way of remembering the plants instead of just labeling, which sometimes get lost. I am thinking of reporting the status of my plants, but haven't done yet. One is already growing.

  3. These seedlings will probably bloom in 2 years time so I made the map for the same reason you mentioned: labels get lost.

    The amaryllis are drying in the garage. Will send you the bulblets when I am done with my garden chores. :)

  4. Hi Eileen,

    You can wait till they turn yellow before you cut them down. :)
