Sunday, May 27, 2012

Peonies 2012

Last fall, I placed an order for a few peonies at Adelman Peony Gardens in Oregon. They all bloomed this spring. Having seen a lot of flopping peonies in the neighborhood, I opted for Japanese and double types with strong stems, my main criteria in choosing peonies for my garden. Here is a link for the different types of peony flowers. The following four peonies are what I ordered.
Leslie Peck,deep pink with pink and peach petaloids.
Madame Butterfly, Adelman's catalog describe this as glistening magenta color.
Pink Pompom, a double pink peony with pom pom-like petals in the center. This peony is said to have a great vigor. It is still remain to be seen in my garden.
Buckeye Belle, an early bloomer, semi-double dark red peony.
Duchesse de Nemours, a double white with great fragrance.
Kansas, a double type with watermelon red flower. It is hard to capture its true color.
Kansas and Duchesse de Nemours planted together in the mailbox garden.
Both of these peonies were acquired on clearance last fall.
And this is my NOID dark pink single peony.
This is how the flowers look like as they mature.


  1. Mmmmm, I love them all, and I'm so jealous! I have three Peony plants, and in dappled sunlight they don't bloom as much as they would in the sun. The scent is so sweet!

  2. Pretty peonies. The pompom looks like a flower on top of another flower. Lots of color in your garden. Lucky to have gotten some on clearance, too.

  3. Wow you are beautifully surrounded with colors now!

  4. Thanks everyone for your nice comments!

  5. Fabulous Peonies Lily, much fewer buds on our ones this year.
