Monday, June 25, 2012

Lilium Lankon

Lankon is the result of crossing L. longiflorum (Easter Lily) and L. langkongense.  Purchased as a small bulb from Faraway Flowers last fall and I am so glad it gave out a single bud.  The bud size itself is long and fat just like one of its parent, the Easter  Lily.  The petals are spotted all over.  A delight to see this one of a kind lily blooming here in my  garden.

More info on this lily can be found here: B and D Lilies.


  1. Lily,

    That purple speckled one is just gorgeous! I need a lily class because I have grown these giant lilies that are at leat six feet and the supports I have are not working in this one raised bed area. I know I will have to move them once they bloom because they are falling over.


  2. OMG Lily, i just realized you have already been posting many lilies in June alone. I wonder why your posts didn't show up in my reading list. I just thought "why is she not posting lately" and then found you have actually been posting. Now i opened all the posts and so overwhelmed with their beauty. The Lilium Lankon is incredibly wonderful. How are you? Can you show a wide angle shot of your garden now.

  3. Hi Eileen,

    Please email me. We can talk about the lily class. I have no time right now. Apologies.

  4. Hi Andrea,

    I,too, was wondering why I don't get comments from you. :) As per your request, I posted a photo taken yesterday but not like the shot I sent you last year. Please email me. Your hippi seeds are ready to be sent.

  5. My lankon gave out a single bud each one. I have five, and two of them, none.
    I hope this year give more buds...
    Beautiful flowers and photos......

  6. Hello Maria Dolores,

    The bulbs that the vendor sell are small hence the solitary bud or none at all. In my experience growing lilies, the succeeding years will give you more blooms and more bulbs.

    Thank you and hope your Lankons will perform better this lily season.

    Thanks also for the comment. Happy new year!
