Thursday, October 4, 2012

In Need of Heavy Rain

I purchased a garden fork to use in digging my lily bulbs. I learned my lesson that using a spade damages the bulbs.
Oriental/Trumpet Lily 'Anastasia'
The brand new fork.
I used it for the first time to dig Anastasia bulbs. The ground is bone dry and I am praying for some heavy rain as I still have lots of lily bulbs to dig. I made a new garden bed for my lilies for the reason that I need to separate them from the hostas. It will take a while before I can complete the move.
Anastasia bulbs, they are as pretty as the flower.
Lilium 'regale' bulbs.
Species lily 'regale', the most fragrant lily that I grow.
Various bulbs dug from the garden.


  1. Looks great! We are still having dry weather as well. I started watering some things this evening. I am wondering what you are doing with the bulbs as I am digging to but putting them into storage in the fridge. And there are more to go!

  2. Hi Lily, you are back to posting, great! That's a lot of job just digging, cleaning and storing those plenty of bulbs. I can see you have a lot now! I am not also posting as often as before, but i have another blogpost, where i post only those from our property.

    The two bulbs you sent me are still growing nicely especially because we are at the midst of the rainy season. The gaillardia also growing although not as nice as when growing there. The rest were not able to make it. Hopefully the bulbs will be larger at the end of this year. Best regards.

  3. I hope you get your rain. That's a frustrating feeling I know well. Very tempted by your Lilium regale. Might have to go on my plant wish-list.

  4. I know what you mean. This drought is a drag. My soil is rock solid. I've been watering, but now it's so cold the water will freeze. I'll hope for a good soaking for both of us soon. (I hate to wish for lots of snow!)

  5. Lily,

    I do not have any Regale Lilies, but I am going to put in some based on your comment about the fragrance.

    I need to get my pitch fork off the hook and use it more when digging around bulbs. I have sliced too many with my shovel.


  6. Quite a season heh! Nice to see the multiplication of lilies via extra bulb growth and new bulbs formed. What will you do with the extra bulbs you dig? Maybe I missed this in your comments.

  7. Hi Clayton,

    If I can not plant them this fall, I will store them in the fridge. The extra bulbs will still be planted in my garden, although I gave away a few to a gardening friend. Digging the lily bulbs was like digging for buried treasures, it was fun. :)

  8. Hi Andrea,

    My work and family keep me busy. I have to fit in gardening in my schedule this fall. It is a must. In between breaks, I have managed to make some posts.

    Glad to hear that some of the plants I sent you fared well. I know I promised you some hippie bulbs for your breeding progam. I also have the hippie seeds. I will send them to you when my fall garden chores are done. Thanks for your patience. :)

  9. Hi Jason,

    I got the rain last night. Woohoo! I have a lot more to dig. You won't be disappointed with Regale. :)

    And thank you for the visit and leaving comments. I visited your gardens a few minutes ago, saw only a little bit and will be back soon. I added your nice blog to my list.

  10. Hi Beth,

    There are a lot of hostas that I want to move, but I am not done digging the lilies. I am running out of time before old man winter arrives. I will probably leave the hostas where they are right now and move them in the spring.

    I had a good soaking last night. It will make it easier for me to dig this weekend.

  11. Hi Eileen,

    It is that time again. :) I remember last year we both ordered tons of bulbs. :)

    I have the skinny tined fork and I don't like it so off I went to HOBO and bought one. I love the design and it does its job. Talk about sliced bulbs. I did on a lot of daff bulbs.

    You'll see what I mean once you have regale blooming in your garden. :)
