Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2012 Photos of the Pearl Lilies

Pearl Jessica
Pearl Jessica
Pearl Loraine, registered with just 1 R.
Pearl Loraine and Pearl Jessica
Pearl Sophie and Pearl Stacie
Pearl Jennifer
Pearl Justien... There are a few photos on the web and my Pearl Justien look like the above pic. The source of my bulb is Faraway Flowers.


  1. Thanks for sharing this! I'm not familiar with the Pearl lilies - are they related to orientals?

  2. They are just beautiful, but definitely they don't grow in our climate unless they will be planted in the colder highlands of the Cordilleras.

  3. Hi Jason,

    These lilies are kind of collector lilies. They are bred by Dr. Griesbach, a well known lily hybridizer. What is special about these lilies is that they are tetraploid, they have 4 sets of chromosomes instead of 2. Their substance, vigor and performance in the garden is impressive.

    Yes they are related to Orientals except these lilies are Asiatic. They are of different divisions but of the same genus, the genus Lilium.

    Here is a link that might be useful:

  4. Andrea, they do need vernalization in order to produce flowers. I am not sure if the hybrids will vernalize in the cordilleras clime although Lilium philippinense grows in that area. My sis was in awe seeing them growing wild on the side roads and in her friend's backyard.

  5. They're beautiful, Lily! You captured them with some exquisite angles of light. I'd be curious to know how many cultivars of Lilies you have? You've probably mentioned this before, but I forget. Anyway, it's an amazing collection!

  6. So refreshing at this time of year.


  7. Thanks Beth. I don't know how many cultivars I grow but I think it is probably 200 cvs.

  8. Thanks Clayton. Waiting for spring... :)

  9. Wow! Always Pearls series lilium ir very beautiful...

    Gilda, Lithuania

  10. Very very beautiful Pearl series lily, Lily!!!
