Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ladylike and Tinos

Ladylike is a short bi-color lily. The flower is a beautiful combination of pink and gold.

Tinos is a gorgeous tri-color lily and is about three feet tall. It has White petals with red and yellow center.

Both of these lilies are Asiatic.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Lilium hansonii

The lily I am sharing in this post is Lilium hansonii, a martagon species native to Korea. Its flower is yellow, slightly recurved with brown spots. It is reported that it can grow up to four feet tall. Mine is only 2 feet as it has not really settled in in my garden. I have acquired this lily in the spring of 2010 from my local lily society. It did not flower then. It has rewarded me with three lovely blooms this spring.

Martagon lilies have whorled leaves, meaning three or more leaves at each node, and so are some lilium species like L. canadense.

The other martagon species:

L. martagon
L. medeoloides
L. tsingtauense
L. distichum

Happy gardening.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lilies In Bloom

Just posting some images of the lilies blooming here in my garden.

LA Dani Arifin

Dani Arifin and Best Seller, another LA. I hope I have the time to move them to a new location this fall.

I thought this was one of the Tiny Series lilies but it turned out it's Aphrodite.

Tiny Todd

Tiny Ghost

Orange Electric

Tiny Skyline

One of the only two rose bushes that I grow in the garden.

Some of these lilies were shown in my previous posts. Happy gardening.

Hymenocallis Sulphur Queen

I got these bulbs late in the season and they were not in great shape. Despite their poor condition, two of them bloomed. The flowers exude sweet fragrance.

The pot was originally placed in the garden but I brought it in the house so I can fully enjoy the blooms.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Blooming Lilies

I know I have shared these lilies in my past posts. But I am so excited that lily season is here and I am sharing them again. These two lilies are the first bloomers.


Tiny Bee

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Lily Buds

It is almost middle of June and I don't have lilies blooming yet. I took a few pics from the garden to show what it look like here while I am anticipating for lily blooms.

The hairy buds of Dani Arifin.

Hosta 'Orange marmalade' and Tiny Bee.

Hosta 'Whirlwind' and another group of Tiny Bee.

I think this is one of the Tiny series.

I believe these are my Algarve lilies.

This is what it look like on one corner of the garden.

This is one of Bill Cramer's Martagon Hansonii hybrid.

Martagon Hansonii buds.

And lastly, my Bletilla striata 'Kate' is blooming right now.

Happy gardening.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hymenocallis festalis

The two Hymenocallis/Ismene festalis bulbs that I potted up in early spring are now blooming. The flowers have lovely form and said to be fragrant. I can only detect mild fragrance.

A Nice Clump of Peony

On my way to work yesterday, I took the back routes to avoid traffic. I've passed by an older house with some nice peonies growing around it. This particular clump of peony is located at the front yard. I like its growing habit. Tall and upright. They don't fall off the ground like other peonies whose blooms are massive and heavy. The flowers are semi-double and the color is dark pink. These images were taken in the blazing sun. My apologies for their poor quality.

Iris Tour de France

This iris has nice color combination. It has creamy white standards with yellow base and gold ruffled falls.

Tour de France and Golden Panther

Iris Bel Esprit

Here is Bel Esprit, another iris from my trade. It has rose-beige standards with purple base and buff falls. Introduced in 2002.

Guatemala and Bel Esprit

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Iris Golden Panther

Another award winning iris. This one has the 'fall harvest' color. Golden to bronze standards and heavily ruffled falls. Very unusual.

Iris Stairway to Heaven

Tall bearded iris with white standards and light blue ruffled falls. This iris received The Dykes Medal Award, the highest AIS (American Iris Society) Award. Hybridized by Larry Lauer in 1993.

Another named iris from a trade.

Mislabeled Peony

Two years ago I have added two varieties of peony in my garden. They are Bowl of Beauty and Duchess de Nemours. As newly planted bareroot peonies, they did not bloom in their first year. Today, my suppose to be Bowl of Beauty has bloomed. I was looking forward to seeing fluffy looking and creamy-centered flowers but here is what the blooms look like:

The flower measures about 3 to 4 inches across and it opens wide. I hope you can help me ID this peony, my dear readers. Have a nice weekend.
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