Friday, January 13, 2012

Woodland Wildflowers-Part 2

My second trip to the woods was when the Erythronium albida are blooming. It's quite a sight to see them en masse. I noticed though that the plants without bloom outnumbered the blooming ones. There was even an area where they were growing so thick and not even one bloomed.

Also growing in this forest preserve are the Polygonatum also known as the Solomon's Seal.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Woodland Wildflowers-Part 1

Last spring I visited two Forest Preserves here in my area. I am a transplanted Illinoisian and having read and seen them on fellow bloggers' posts prompted me to see them in their native habitat. I grow a few of these wildflowers myself and seeing them in the forest floor is breathtaking.

Trillium recurvatum

Trillium recurvatum

Podophyllum peltatum

A colony of P. peltatum.

Arisaema triphyllum with its two variants, the all-green form and the maroon stemmed form or maybe they are two separate species.


Smilacina racemosa



Convallaria majalis

I do not know what these plants are. Does anybody knows the ID?

One thing that I am looking forward to in spring is to see these wildflowers again.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hippeastrum Dancing Queen

This is the third time DQ bloomed for me since I got it two years ago. Everytime it blooms, the flowers are different in terms of being double. Last year, it has more petals. This year, it has less but more stamens are present. I think the variability is due to cultural reason.

Last year's flowers. Dancing Queen

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Wishing you all a wonderful and blessed 2012!

Cyclamen persicum

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