Monday, July 25, 2011

Kushi Maya

The most beautiful lily around.

My previous Kushi Maya post.

Indian Summer

A spotless yellow Aurelian lily bred by Johan Mak.

Storm Casualties

Here are the lilies that I picked from the garden after the storm. All of them are OTs. Holland Beauty, Altari, Yelloween, Friso, Robina (not visible in the pic) and Purple Prince.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Some Eye Candies



Tiger Woods

Muscadet and flashpoint


Silk Road

White Heaven

Scadoxus multiflorus

Crinum herbertii

Oxalis 'Iron Cross'

Hosta Blue Angel Flowers

My favorite hosta flower: Ventricosa.

Hosta Whirlwind

The Storm

I know this is a late post. But this is how it looked like after the storm hit here almost two weeks ago that left us without eletricity for five days.

We live in an older farm house with lots of mature trees around it. There is a large number of lily casualties in my garden. The second to the last image is of Big Brother, an orienpet with the largest bloom I have ever seen in a lily. Thank God it was not broken and I still managed to cross it with Flashpoint and Silk Road.

Big Brother is now blooming.

Santa's Village

Two weeks ago, my family and I visited this place, a combination of an amusement park and a zoo.

This used to be my husband's playground way back when he was a kid until it closed down. My father in law read an article in the newspaper that it will re-open this year and he was so excited. We planned the trip and brought him with us. He wanted to ride the tilt-a-twirl, reminiscing the old days. But since it was too hot and the line was too long, we did not let him. We did promised to bring him back once the weather gets cooler.

My daughter had a great time. And for added bonus, Santa is there talking to kids and adult alike.

She is impatiently waiting for the ferris wheel ride...

and the pony ride.

I spotted this pink hydrangea in the landscape and I am thinking of adding one to my garden.

Lilium 'Royal Sunset' and some Oriental lilies.

DD's so happy with her butterfly-painted face.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Agapanthus Midknight Blue

I bought this plant on Mother's Day when my daughter and I went plant hunting. It is done blooming now and has been repotted and is thriving. I seem to have success with this one. The bareroot Headbourne Hybrid that I bought from Brent and Becky's last spring is dying and the one I bought at the Chicago Flower and Garden Show last year rotted on me.

This is how the plant look like when I brought it home.

Monrovia's tag is 'Midknight Blue'. On google, it is 'Midnight Blue'.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Not Lilies...

but some other plants that I am enjoying in the garden.

A NOID daylily that I love so much.

Sedum 'Dragon's Blood' flowers.

My Haworthia that is sending up scapes.

A liatris spike that is about to open its tiny florets.

Hosta Blue Cadet's light purple flowers.

A wildflower with beautiful blue flowers.

Can anybody help me with its ID?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tulip Breaking Virus-A Lily Grower's Nightmare

This is my virused OT Purple Prince. This lily is part of the clump and are on their third season in my garden. I was so excited that most of them has formed lots of buds. To my surprised, when the flower opened on one of the stems, it showed symptom of TVB while the leaves are as healthy as can be.

The breaking or streaking of the color of the flower is the symptom and there is no cure of the virus. If you see your lily like the two images above, please dig and discard it to avoid transmitting it to your healthy lilies.

A healthy Purple Prince.

Here is a helpful article on
lily diseases and viruses.
Tulip Breaking Virus on Wikipedia.

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