I planted some of these daff variety close to the foundation of the house. Only one bloomed this spring. I am planning to move them to a sunnier spot in the garden once their leaves turn brown.
When I was a newbie gardener, I didn't really cared about the names of the plants I buy. What matters is the flower. As the years go by, I became interested in putting names to my plants and learning more about them. I started borrowing books from my local library and educating myself online.
Of what interest me most during springtime are the wildflowers.
Viola sororia, one of my wildflower favorites. Last fall, I transferred three of these along the walkway so when I get in and out of the house, they are the first plants I see. I love the color punch they bring in my garden.
Today, I am so glad to see that some of my Trillium Recurvatums are unfurling.
Here are some more spring flowering beauties in my garden:
Puschkinia scilloides libanotica
Puschkinia scilloides libanotica
and tulips.
These sedum Rupestre Angelina were buried deep in the snow last winter. Here they are showing their wonderful colors already.
A co-worker gave me these spring blooming plants.
Galanthus nivalis
Crocus vernus 'Vanguard'
Please feel free to correct me if I made a mistake with the plant names.