A group of Red Velvet, a classic asiatic lily. Bred in 1965 by David M. Stone and F. Henry Payne and one of NALS Hall of Famers.
Yelloween won a red ribbon while White Henryi won blue, another classic lily bred by Leslie Woodriff years and years ago. Another NALS Hall of Famers.
A NOID pink lily.
An arrangement that won a third place. Conca D'Or and Red Hot orienpets were used. I don't know the ID of the yellow spotted one.
On display in the courtyard of Burnstein Hall are Bonsai trees. They're amazing!
In one of the greenhouses, the banana trees are growing like crazy and so are the orchids.
Aechmea 'Blue Tango'.
Cimicifuga looks great in this combo.

Lastly, my DD enjoying the view.
Really nice tour here. The bonsai photos make me wish I would've gone up there to take in their sights.
Aha a serious lily boff -this is great as I really want to get to understand this genus.
MrBT, glad you like the tour. I was in awe with those bonsai trees. Maybe next year they will be on display again. Thanks for the visit.
Catharine, if you like you can join the Lilium Group at Yahoo. I am learning a lot from the discussions of the friendly lily enthusiasts in there. Sorry to hear about your pet.
Almost like being there! Wouldn't we all love to take a stroll in a summer garden about now?
So true! Thanks for the visit!
there are some good looking flowers at the lilly show
Yes,there are. Thanks for the visit!
Thanks for taking us along on your visit to the Chicago Botanical Gardens. The lilies in this post as well as the pink trumpets in your earlier post are stunning. The bonsai trees are as you say amazing!
Just like being there with you Lily. Great Bonsai's and that Cimisifuga is a favourite in our Aberdeen garden.
Jennifer, thanks also for stopping by. I enjoy reading your blog and faved you on Blotanical.
Alistair, I am finding lots of plants that I want to add in my garden, Cimicifuga and Pulsatilla to name a few. Glad Cimicifuga is a fave in your garden, it must be good plant then. I did search for that Blue Angel clematis and is readily avilable here. Thanks.
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