Saturday, April 2, 2011

I love Spring

Spring is the time of year I love the most. My Chionodoxas, Puschkinias and Crocuses are blooming right now bringing colors and life in my garden.

A Puschkinia on a wet and cold day.

I am anticipating for Erythronium albidum to bloom.

I apologize for the short post. I just want to let everybody know that I am back.

Happy spring everyone!


Anonymous said...

Lily, at least you have some nice blooms for spring. I got my first crocus yesterday and have a long wait on the rest.

ann said...

Great Return! Glad you are back. cheers. ann

Alistair said...

Glad to see you are back Lily. Great to see the signs of Spring in the garden.

Kate Walz said...

Wonderful signs of spring are popping up for you! Glad to have found your blog -

Beth at PlantPostings said...

I agree with you about spring -- but it's too short here in Wisconsin. Seems like the transition from the lonnnggg winter into the warm summer happens overnight. I'd love to have a longer springtime. Your spring blooms are encouraging!

Lily said...

Thanks everyone for your comments. Glad to be back!

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